The Future of this Blog
This is a post looking for some help. I'm asking each and every one of you for a favor and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
This blog began on blogger years ago when it was still a relatively new thing to be doing. I wrote about the design and advertising industry, sharing great pieces of work, not so great pieces of work, dipping into the archives of my brain with the help of sites like YouTube to share where my love and passion for the industry began.
Over the years it's moved platforms and topics have become quite varied. After my accident a lot changed and I began to document my recovery, gym sessions, health learnings and a bit more about my personal situations - but just a bit.
On from this you have my career in digital, which means that many things I may have written in the past were then written about via my agency's blog, or I just kept them to myself as now my words can be attributed to my company and projects, even if they are for whatever reason, not on the same page.
You'll currently find a mix of content. Images, reviews, tech related, digital related or non-existent. Like many things in my life, I'm stuck in-between a variety of options for what the next step or stage will be. Because of this, I have a form of writers block. I want to write, I want to share, I want to voice my options and thoughts, but within reason of a public forum and with respect to those in my life - therefore a fully open personal blog will have to stay anonymous, but I'm willing to post here within reason.
So here is my question to you: What would you like to see from this blog moving forward? Do I go back to the original judgement and sharing of digital, design & advertising? Do I begin evangelising about the world of digital, my 'expert' opinions like a million others? Do I share my health issues, trials, cures and quirks? Do I delve into the life of a thirty-something professional female expat and what that entails? Do I write for aspiring youths on how I got to where I am and all the learnings along the way? Do I keep it as random, whatever I'm in the mood for concoctions, regardless of regularity? Is there another route I've not thought of or... or, do I put it out to pasture?
Img is a screen grab of Portents Content Idea Generator