Growing Old Gracefully
40th anniversary of the American Film Institute
You know him. You love him. Screwed up background to become one of the most successful actors Hollywood has seen. Jack Nicholson. A legend. The man looks good. Mind you, it is his look. Just Jack's. Not many men, if any, can pull off this look, so leave it to him, he does it well.
I think Jack got to grow up in one of the best eras of movie making (not that I am familiar with any of them personally, I'm just speculating in my little fantasy world that I pretend is reality). The 50's, 60's & 70's. The nonchalance, the Rat Pack, the not worrying about smoking being bad for you, the clubs, the cool cats, piano bars, pin stripes and tommy guns. I'm probably confusing a few more eras in here, but that's called poetic license.
If you think about it, we've seen technology come up with some pretty impressive steps in the recent years. I've never seen a device move in and out as fast as I saw the zip drive. Could you imagine being born in the 40's or even 30's and now blogging, e-mailing, digital camera's, blackberries, et al. Those generations have seen more change than I think I ever will.
I'm just hoping the change my generation sees is positive, because so far it's been war, the ruining of the environment, materialism and racism becoming stronger instead of subsiding. I'm not claiming to be innocent, but we all have to do our part to leave a positive legacy behind us.
photo from A Socialites Life