Edinburgh Does Ambient
For those of you who aren't in the vicinity of Edinburgh, Scotland or who may not know much about it, there are a few things to mention. Firstly, August is the festival period where we host the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Edinburgh International Film Festival and, aptly named, the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
Now, also during the entire summer, the National Galleries of Scotland do a 'Summer Series' of work, featuring up to 4 different artists at their various locations that just barely overlap one another. I was at the ad agency that did this work and was so close to having my work up all over Edinburgh, so you can imagine, as a junior, my disappointment to walk around and see someone else's work up all over the place, on buses etc. But I'm a big girl and he deserved it. The Agency doing the National Galleries work is the Union Advertising Agency, where I did a 5 month stint on a placement.
Along with the Warhol exhibit they were permitted to do ambient, because the Warhol was being sponsored by the Bank of Scotland's TOTALart program. This is what came out of it:

These are the pillars outside the National Galleries on Princes' Street. Thoroughly impressed all the agencies in the area, they did. To their surprise as well, it wasn't the agency that had the account that came up with the idea, but client side. Well done to Ross Perth of the National Galleries.