Cause I am most ill and I'm rhymin' and stealin'
Shooting Me Shooting You Originally uploaded by Darcie.
...Thank you Beastie Boys for that beautiful into.
Yes, it's true, I'm going to steal an idea from another blog, but not with out giving reason, and dare I say - rhyme.
Mr. Garret Keogh of TeaOneSugar Please, formerly of Cheesdog, does an 'other peoples photos' thang, that I quite like. I quite like his blog in general, that's why I read it, but it would be futile to steal a persons entire blog. Plus, photography is art, it's subjective.
When I'm in a mood or not really in the mindset to write, I feel that it would benefit in many ways, such sharing other peoples work that has sparked my attention and is just sitting in my flickr favs or some where on my hard drive and/or mind, and it already speaks 10,000 words off of it's own accord and keeps me from staying away from blogging for days at a time (sometimes - I mean really, can anything shut me up for that long?!).
So, now I just need my own title and we'll be off!