A twittersome bunch
Glasgow NHS Stop Smoking ad
Look similar?
Twitter - the original Bird in Blue
And, the NHS60 has brand guidelines. How quaint. Well, I suppose as long as no one copies /them/. And there are subtle differences, so I guess it's okay (read as: dripping with sarcasm - and if you didn't catch that, then you might miss read a lot of my posts!)
Being this designer, to me, would be slightly embarrassing. I dunno. I know twitter isn't huge amongst the non-computer obsessed, but still, those are the ones who judge designers most often. I would think a designer should know better.
I'm always waiting for someone to show me, when something is done so similar to something else, that it's in cahoots, in a good way, and I just missed it.
Maybe the stop-smoking ad is sponsored by Twitter!